Hemp Seed Pesto

by @daisy_scoopwholefoods

Hemp seeds are highly nutritious and known as a superfood because of this high nutritional value. They are high in healthy fats Omega 3 and 6 with a good balance between the two. They are also very high in plant based protein, they contain all 9 essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. They are know to aid inflammation as well as nourish your body. You can serve this delicious pesto with your favourite pasta, as a dip, with eggs on toast, with chicken or anything you like.

  • 50g basil leaves
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 75g hemp seeds
  • 1Zest & juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 40g walnuts/cashews or any other nut you prefer
  • Good pinch of sea salt


Start by preheating oven to 180C, spread your hemp seeds on a lined baking tray and place in oven for approx 5 mins until golden. Set aside and allow to cool. Place in food processor all ingredients and blend to desired consistency.

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