Bath Bombs

by @

Create your own amazing bath bombs and get creative with all our salts, oils, and teas!

  • 1 cup of bicarbonate of soda
  • 1/2 cup of citric acid
  • 1/2 cup of epsom salt
  • 3/4 cup of corn starch
  • 2 tbsp almond, argan, jojoba or macadamia oil
  • 2 tsp witch hazel water
  • 1 tsp rose water
  • 20 drops of your favourite essential oils
  • a sprinkle of rose petals, chamomile or lavender


mix the dry and wet ingredients separately. Slowly add the wet to the dry a tablespoon at a time. Once added, with gloves on, mix together until youve reached a damp crumbly consistency that lightly holds when squashed together. Use a spray bottle with water if neccessary to get to the right consistency. Once mixed, grease your moulds with a little oil. For this you can use cupcake trays or any small container. Press firmly into the moulds and leave for 48 hours. Every 12 hours check on them and press down firmly again as they can raise a little. Once fully dried they can be removed from the containers and ready to use.